Bringing communities together through Craft and Climate action
Salday 24th May- Monday 26th May @The Little Craft Hou
Saltaire Arts Trail Craft for Climate Demos and Workshops
Saturday 24th May- Monday 26th May @The Little Craft House
If you would like to help out with this project please get in touch with Fiz and Jody
The Bradford Climate Stripes will be on display at Bradford Cathedral
during July and August 2025
Futher details to follow
Craft For Climate project is being led by Saltaire Women's Institute, The Little Craft House and Sustainability Sorted.
The team have brought together knitters from across the community to create an instillation of 171 scarves to represent the average temperature of Bradford from the opening of Salts Mill in 1853 through to the present day
The project has been supported by Shipley Town Council through their Green Grant scheme; West Yorkshire Spinners of Keighley who generously donated the yarn for the scarves, The Baildon and Shipley Men's Shed who gave their time and expertise to build the frames for the display.
Over 200 crafters have volunteered their time to knit the stripes.
We have met in workplaces, churches, schools, homes, shops, cafés, and community halls.
Along the way we have talked climate. We’ve shared our concerns and frustrations.
We’ve celebrated our progress.
We’ve connected with others who are taking positive action.
Together, our community knitters have contributed 3.5million stitches, each one a small but vital act towards
our goal.
Every action matters , every bit of warming matters, Every choice matters